How do I create a Course?

Courses are used to group Apps and Surveys before assignment to Learners

 👍 This section covers Immerse Platform Version 3
How to identify which version of the Immerse Platform you are using

1. Create a new Course by navigating to Content Library > Courses at Click [ + NEW COURSE ]


2. Provide a name, description and tags. The course duration will be automatically calculated by summing the duration of each individual content object:

3. Add a thumbnail and save the Course by clicking [ CREATE DRAFT ]. Ensure the thumbnail you choose is engaging and directly related to the content, as it will be visible to Learners when they access the Course in VR.

4. Add content to the Course by clicking [ + ADD OBJECT ]. In this example, four apps are added: 'Working at Heights', 'LOTO', 'Confined Spaces' and 'Environmental Hazards'.

A quiz called 'Safety Principles Review' is appended to the end of the Course, to be completed after the Learner finishes all four VR modules.

The 'Safety Principles Review' quiz comprises ten single-choice questions, divided into five sections. The quiz assesses Learners' comprehension of the training material and is estimated to take ten minutes to complete.

Next, the same 'Training Review' feedback Survey is attached to each of the four individual Apps by clicking [ + Attach Survey ]. Whilst not mandatory, including feedback surveys like this can be beneficial for promptly gathering user feedback, as they are presented to the Learner in the VR headset, immediately after completing their training.

The Training Review Survey includes four questions aimed at obtaining feedback from Learners regarding their training experience:

  • "Did you find this training useful?" (Rating scale: 1-5)
  • "How closely did this training resemble your actual working environment?" (Rating scale: 1-5)
  • "Would you recommend this training to a colleague?" (Single choice: Yes / No / Unsure)
  • "Did you find training in Virtual Reality to be more engaging than traditional training methods?" (Single choice: Yes / No / Unsure)

5. Activate the Course, so that it is ready for assignment to Learners. Alternatively, [ SAVE EDITS ] to save the Course in draft mode, for activation at a later date.

Further reading: