How do I add an App to the Immerse Platform?

Apps can be added via (i) a Zip file containing an Immerse Manifest or (ii) via an Android BundleID

👍 This section covers Immerse Platform Version 3
How to identify which version of the Immerse Platform you are using

❗️ Uploading an app to the Immerse Platform does not automatically distribute it to a VR headset. Mobile Device Management software such as Quest for Business or Workspace ONE is required.

(i) Add Immerse App via zipped Manifest

1. A Zip file containing a compatible Immerse Manifest file is required.

2. Access the Immerse Content Library at, click [ + NEW APP ]

3. Upload the Zipped Manifest file and choose whether the app will be a single or multi-user experience:

4. Provide a name, description, duration and relevant tag(s)

5. Provide a thumbnail and click [ SAVE ]

(ii) Add app via Android BundleID

Apps can also be added to the Immerse Platform and opened from the Immerse App (Launcher) via unique Android BundleID. There are two important considerations, if this method is chosen: 

  • Completion statements cannot be sent from the app directly and must be generated programatically (e.g. a specific time after the Learner starts the training)
  • Apps will not generate rich xAPI data, limiting their analytical power

Further reading: